Rebel Traders 241: Rough Balls...

The one where golfing ties in how to improve your trading game.


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Golf is an expensive way of playing marbles but there are many trading analogies we can use. 

Outside of being a 5 mile walk punctuated with dissapointments there are moments when you realize with a few tweaks and a a wee bit of experience you can dramatically improve your game. Well, the same applies to trading, especially if you want to be successful and profitable. 

In this weeks Podcast, Sean and Phil break it down and show you how this applies to what you are doing RIGHT NOW (and how to get your Trading Game on track…) 

Connect With The Rebel Traders

Two master traders share their proven strategies and insights to give you the Rebel Trader advantage and be consistently successful in the markets without the BS – This is the top podcast listed to by millions all over the world to trade smarter.
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