Rebel Traders 067 : Stress Free Trading

Are you a slave to the markets, dreading or hoping every tick is the RIGHT one. Are you putting too many eggs in one basket hoping they are all golden? Feeling a wee bit stressed? Well, let's sort that out right now.


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One of the biggest issues facing traders is the stress and emotion of trading.

If you are not careful, this can have a massive detrimental effect on your trading and its a common pitfall that a lot of traders fall in to.

It doesn’t matter if you are a new trader or a grizzled on veteran, it can cause a problem.

So, in this week’s Rebel Traders show, we decided to tackle this topic head on and share with you how we both fell in to this pitfall early on in our trading careers and how we designed specific strategies to remove this PERMENTANTLY from our trading.

We’ll cover practical and psychological aspects that remove stress and help you divest yourself from the emotions that can influence your trading in a bad way.

If you conquer this, you will trade better, smarter and be a stronger, more resolute trader.

So, let’s get rocking…

3 Key Takeaways From This Show

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