Rebel Traders 085 : The Little Red Dot…

Ever feel that traders get a bad rap? Feel that they get targeted unfairly? With 2020 nominees crawling out of every crevice it's time to shine a light on what's coming...


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Traders are always to blame, easy targets for the media and for politicians. And with 2020 looming ahead it seems every politician wants to head to the White house while screaming blue murder about the evil wealthy, traders and every other target of opportunity in order to connect with the “Common People”…

Well, in this week's show we're going to dig into why we have the big laser-target red dot on our heads, what got us here and how to handle the talking-point criticism. So, prepare for some soap-box moments as Sean and Phil get fired up and ready to rock…

3 Key Takeaways From This Show

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